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When it comes to the Scottish hills, you may think of ‘wilderness’. As someone who grew up in the flat county of Essex, with its large and densely populated towns, moving to the Highlands was a revelation and a joy. Wild, rugged hills, with peak after peak disappearing into the mist as far as the eye can see, huge sweeping corries like those found at Lochnagar or Seana Bhraigh, or massive geological splits in the side of mountains such as the traverse up to Sgurr na Ciche or the gapping breach in the ridge of Beinn Alligin, with the atmosphere of being in or near ‘Giant Country'!

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Birding Ecosse March 2014



“I want to see a St Cuddy’s Duck” was a recent request and “I would love to hear it call as well.”
No problem said I, and promptly started to research exactly what a St Cuddy’s Duck was!

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Birding Ecosse Jan 2014



January is an important time of year for people who watch nature, and in particular for those who watch birds. Why is this time of year so special? Well this is when we start our new lists. That can be a Year List, a life list or as this article covers a patch list. A patch is an area that you work regularly, someplace you can easily walk, usually close to home.

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MacBeth in Moray


Macbeth in Moray – by Brian Lockey author of The Path to Cawdor

With the recent release of the movie “Macbeth – All Hail” maybe folk would like to know more about the real Macbeth who was born around AD 1000 and crowned King of Scotland in 1040. Aside from not being the Thane of Cawdor there are many other inaccuracies in the Shakespeare version of his life.

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